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Jung para Darnaude

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Jesús Olmo

18 de noviembre de 2009 11:11
Para: "Ignacio Darnaude (UFOs, etc)" <>
On Life after Death

The self and earthly man in time and space was illuminated by
two dreams of mine.

In one dream, which I had in October 1958, I caught sight
from my house of two lens-shaped metallically gleaming disks,
which hurtled in a narrow arc over the house and down to the
lake. They were two UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). Then
another body came flying directly toward me. It was a per-
fectly circular lens, like the objective of a telescope. At a distance
of four or five hundred yards it stood still for a moment, and then
flew off. Immediately afterward, another came speeding through
the air: a lens with a metallic extension which led to a box a
magic lantern. At a distance of sixty or seventy yards it stood
still in the air, pointing straight at me. I awoke with a feeling of
astonishment. Still half in the dream, the thought passed through
my head: "We always think that the UFOs are projections of
ours. Now it turns out that we are their projections. I am pro-
jected by the magic lantern as C. G. Jung. But who manipulates
the apparatus?

I had dreamed once before of the problem of the self and the
ego. In that earlier dream I was on a hiking trip. I was walking
along a little road through a hilly landscape; the sun was shining
and I had a wide view in all directions. Then I came to a small
wayside chapel. The door was ajar, and I went in. To my sur*
prise there was no image of the Virgin on the altar, and no cruci-
fix either, but only a wonderful flower arrangement. But then I
saw that on the floor in front of the altar, facing me, sat a yogi
in lotus posture, in deep meditation. When I looked at him more
closely, I realized that he had my face. I started in profound
fright, and awoke with the thought: "Aha, so he is the one who
is meditating me. He has a dream, and I am it." I knew that
when he awakened, I would no longer be.

I had this dream after my illness in 1944. It is a parable: My
self retires into meditation and meditates my earthly form. To
put it another way: it assumes human shape in order to enter
three-dimensional existence, as if someone were putting on a
diver's suit in order to dive into the sea. When it renounces
existence in the hereafter, the self assumes a religious posture,
as the chapel in the dream shows. In earthly form it can pass
through the experiences of the three-dimensional world, and by
greater awareness take a further step toward realization.

¡Nuevo Canal Mujer! Moda, belleza, sexo, dietas, embarazo. más fácil y a tu alcance. Si quieres estar a la última, no puedes perdértelo.
Respuesta rápida
Para: Jesús Olmo <>

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